보드워크 제국 뒤에 숨겨진 진짜 ‘럭키’
Boardwalk Empire is the award-winning HBO series about the life and times of Enoch “Nucky” Thompson and how he controlled gambling, smuggling, and other vices in the fledgling Atlantic City beach resort. The character played by Steve Buscemi in the series is based on the real-life Atlantic City “boss” Enoch L. Johnson, a New Jersey native.
더 투 너키
While both Lil Nucky and the real Nucky are larger-than-life figures, a certain amount of artistic license was used with the fictional characters. This was necessary to create the show and expand the fictional storyline to five seasons of 56 episodes. The real Nucky Johnson was a tall, muscular man weighing over 220 pounds, while the actor who played the fictional Nucky, Steve Buscemi, was a lean man. But both men oversaw massive criminal conspiracies based on illegal liquor, gambling, and prostitution. And both were respected, handsome, and charismatic men. Both Nuckies wore their trademark red carnations on their suit lapels.
In the TV series and in real life, Nucky had a wife named Mabel who died young. In real life, it was not suicide but tuberculosis that killed Mabel. Mabel’s suicide on TV was a response to the death of her newborn son, but in real life Nucky had no children. The two eventually remarried after the loss of their wives, but at different times.
애틀랜틱 시티
Every story of corruption has a story behind it, and Nucky’s was set in the vibrant ’20s of Atlantic City. Founded in 1854 as a summer beach resort, Atlantic City thrived especially in the summer months. Like any seasonal business, the off-season was tough. Atlantic City died in the winter. With gambling outlawed in surrounding states, hotel and bar operators in Atlantic City began allowing secret backroom card tables and other forms of gambling. Word spread in certain circles, and Atlantic City soon gained a reputation. But then Prohibition hit the United States in 1920. But Prohibition, which had been bad for business elsewhere, was a boon for the city. Backroom card games easily gave way to speakeasies, and Atlantic City soon became profitable year-round.
행동의 일부
Nucky Johnson was the politically important chairman of the Atlantic County Republican Party. He was the successor to Louis Cuenle, a local political boss who had been convicted of corruption. But Atlantic City was already a city rife with vice and corruption, and Nucky Johnson simply wanted to take matters into his own hands. Nucky knew all aspects of Atlantic City’s dirty business and was willing to let it continue for a piece of the pie. Johnson owned a significant portion of all the gambling, bootlegging, saloons, and prostitution in the city. When Prohibition came, the big money disappeared with it. Nucky Johnson now dominated the liquor distribution market on the East Coast. And when he became county treasurer, he was the money man for the entire side business. And business was booming.
The world’s playground
After World War I, the West embarked on a long journey of economic and cultural expansion, fueled by the industrial age. People were burning their money in jazz bars, saloons, and casinos, and Atlantic City was at the epicenter of it all. In the Roaring Twenties, the loudest roar came from Nucky Johnson. When confronted with allegations of Atlantic City’s vice and corruption, he did not deny it:
“위스키, 와인, 여자, 노래, 슬롯머신이 있습니다. 나는 그것을 부정하지 않을 것이며 사과하지도 않을 것입니다. 대다수의 사람들이 원하지 않는다면 수익성이 떨어지고 존재하지 않을 것입니다. 존재한다는 사실은 사람들이 원한다는 것을 증명하는 것입니다.”
보드워크 제국
One important departure from reality was TV Nucky’s dealings with organized crime. There was no real drug war in Atlantic City, and Johnson wasn’t as ruthless as Thompson. Instead, he was content to rule his boardwalk empire with a velvet hammer. His political power allowed him to live a life of luxury and not have to confront organized crime head-on. He already had enough political and financial power. His illegal activities alone were estimated to bring in over $500,000 a year (over $7 million in 2019 dollars). When Nucky Johnson was happy, those around him were happy. He supported the poor through charities and shared his wealth whenever he had the chance.
물론 누키 존슨의 제국은 조직 범죄자들의 관심을 끌었지만, 그는 그들에게 불만을 품지 않았습니다. 대신 그는 ‘빅 세븐’으로 알려진 조직 범죄 지도자들과 이 지역의 밀수 작전 통제권을 공유했습니다. 7대 조직 범죄 조직의 리더에는 뉴욕에서 시카고까지 활동하는 이탈리아계, 유대계, 아일랜드계 갱단의 조직원들이 포함되어 있었습니다. 존슨은 1929년 회의를 주선하고 7개 갱단의 지도자들을 초청하여 지역 내 조직 범죄에 대한 통제권을 공유하는 방안을 논의했습니다. 이때 이탈리아 마피아 알 카포네와 럭키 루치아노, 유명한 유대인 갱스터 벅시 시겔(나중에 라스베가스에 최초의 카지노를 열게 됨)을 만났습니다.
럭키의 몰락
조직 범죄에 대한 FBI의 수사는 기껏해야 미약했기 때문에 탈세라는 새로운 공격 노선을 추구했습니다. 너키 존슨이 마피아라는 사실을 입증할 수 없다면 그가 엄청난 부를 어디서 얻었는지 의문을 제기할 수 있었습니다. Nucky의 불법 소득이 확인되자 그는 체포되어 재판을 받고 탈세 혐의로 유죄 판결을 받았습니다. 그는 연방 교도소에서 10년 형을 선고받고 2만 달러의 벌금을 납부했습니다. 그는 4년 만에 가석방되었습니다. 하지만 그는 애틀랜틱 시티에서 벌어들인 돈의 대부분을 잃은 채 남은 여생을 살아야 했습니다. 텔레비전 시리즈에서 누키 톰슨은 이전에 살해한 피해자의 아들에게 총을 맞았습니다. 그러나 너키 존슨은 1968년 애틀랜틱 카운티 요양원에서 자연사로 사망했습니다.
너키 존슨이 악명 높은 범죄자가 아니었던 이유는 아마도 그가 유혈 총격전에 휘말리거나 기분이 좋을 때마다 사람들을 때려잡지 않았기 때문일 것입니다. 당시의 마피아들과 달리 누키 톰슨은 음지에서 활동하며 살았고, 영광의 빛을 발하지도 않았습니다. 그러나 그의 이야기는 알려지지 않은 채로 남아있지 않았습니다. 보드워크 엠파이어 텔레비전 시리즈는 각본, 연기, 연출, 시각적 분위기로 수많은 상을 받았습니다. 하지만 보드워크 엠파이어의 중심에는 세계에서 가장 유명한 엔터테인먼트의 중심지 중 하나인 애틀랜틱 시티를 통치한 리츠의 황제, 럭키가 있었습니다.바카라사이트