There is another player who is getting the most attention

The KT Wiz spring training camp is held at the Hyundai Motor Dream Ball Park in Gijang, Busan. The hottest man in the camp is neither Ko Young-pyo, who just signed a 10.7 billion won contract, nor Rojas, the legendary MVP who returned after three years. There is another player who is getting the most attention. It’s the newest member of the KT family, bullpen pitcher Moon Yong-ik.

Moon was acquired from the Samsung Lions as compensation for Kim Jae-yoon, who left for free agency. His fastball can reach 150 kilometers. 온라인카지노 He has a weakness of pitching anxiety, but if he works on it, he can be used as a closer, according to “pitching expert” Lee Kang-cheol.

“When I was looking at the list of protected players sent by Samsung, I saw Moon Yong-ik’s name. I consulted with manager Nado Hyun and made a decision right away,” he said, explaining that the signing of Moon Yong-ik was more than expected.

“All of our bullpen pitchers, including Park Young-hyun and Son Dong-hyun, have a fastball style. We don’t have a fastball or changeup guy, but Moon Yong-ik throws 150 kilometers and has a good slider. Players who mainly throw fastballs will definitely lose power when they pitch in a row, so we need someone like Moon Yong-ik who can get strikeouts.”

KT promoted Park Young-hyun to the closer’s role with the departure of Kim Jae-yoon.

Assuming that Son Dong-hyun will be the eighth inning closer, the team will need a new closer for the sixth and seventh innings, and Lee considers Moon Yong-ik to be a prime candidate. If Moon Yong-ik performs well as a closer, it could be a “big deal” for KT, as it will have brought in a player with similar stats without investing in Kim Jae-yoon, who cost 5.8 billion won. Even if KT retained Kim Jae-yoon, it was time to prepare for the closing rotation with Park Young-hyun.

Lee has already given catcher Jang Sung-woo a mission. “The manager and the seniors had a dinner, and he said something special to me. He told me that he was going to develop Moon Yong-ik, and he wanted me to make sure,” he said behind the scenes.

“I knew he was a good ball player, but I didn’t know his age. I thought he was in his early 20s, so when I first saw him, I joked, ‘No, when you come to a new team, 바카라사이트 you should come to my room and say hello,’ but it turned out he was 30. I was glad he was younger than me, but I felt bad,” he laughs.

“Our manager doesn’t like pitchers who are out of control. The players are aware of this. I’ll talk to Yong-ik about this a lot. Even if his velocity drops a little bit, we’ll work together to find a way to catch his pitches.”

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