Mastermind behind virtual band PLAVE attributes success to humanism

PLAVE poses at the group's concert, 'PLAVE THE 1ST FAN CONCERT 'Hello, Asterum!'' held at the Olympic Hall in Olympic Park, Songpa District, eastern Seoul, April 13. Courtesy of VLAST Entertainment

In the dynamic world of K-pop, PLAVE has emerged as a trailblazer with its five virtual members.Leading the charge is Lee Sung-gu, the CEO of VLAST Entertainment, who recently unveiled the group’s unlikely secret to success: what he calls the “humanism” ingrained in each member, offering a unique twist on the traditional non-human group concept.While the concept of virtual idols isn’t entirely new in the K-pop realm, what sets PLAVE apart is the human touch behind the computer-generated characters. Unlike other virtual idols, where different individuals handle separate idol tasks such as singing and dancing behind the scenes, a dedicated performer is responsible for each member of PLAVE.

This approach allows each of the group’s five members — Yejun, Noah, Bamby, Eunho and Hamin — to display unique characteristics that reflect those of their real-life counterparts, as they mimic the movements and voices of performers wearing motion-capture devices.For instance, Yejun, the group’s leader, embodies a gentle yet diligent demeanor, while Bamby, despite his trademark adorable pink hair, exudes a more masculine charm. “Humanism is what I believe is the key to PLAVE’s success,” said Lee, the CEO, during a press conference held at a hotel in Mapo District, western Seoul, Monday.This strategy has not only captivated fans, but also addressed a common critique of virtual idols lacking relatable, human appeal.”Since the inception of the virtual idol concept, there have been similar attempts by other companies, but they received criticism for lacking human appeal. For a virtual character to be loved, we believed that it must have a personal charm. We didn’t think an idol with the traits of many different people could become an actual entity that fans find appealing,” Lee said.”Therefore, from the development stage of PLAVE, despite technological complexities, we aimed to create a group that can sing and perform live 슬롯게이밍 themselves.”

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